National Palace of Culture (NDK)

Sightseeing • Free •

People fascinated with modern history will define visiting this place as “a historic walk of wonder” and the building itself as “a communist extravaganza” which has remained to remind us of the regime. It has got a wonderful garden around it with plenty of fountains, where you can walk, chill and relax. In springtime, the garden is full of flowers and the vibe is heavenly.

National Palace of Culture, Sofia
National Palace of Culture, Sofia © Bulphoto

NDK is also surrounded by cafes, casinos, and shops – where you can sit and enjoy a coffee or whatever you please. On the very top of the building, there is quite a popular bar.

Plenty of parties and events, festivals, and exhibitions have taken place inside the huge building of the National Palace of Culture. National artists perform concerts there on a regular basis. It is, by all means, the most popular venue for cultural events in Sofia. It’s also a common place for meetings and rendezvous – especially for romantic, young people, even though it is buzzing with folks of all ages. You will love it in the night – there are a lot of lights, and you might also enjoy a quiet afternoon stroll there – where young people dance break, and elderly couples relax.

How to reach

BUS: 72, 76, 94, 204, 604

METRO: Metrostation NDK

BY WALK: Bulgaria Square is a wonderful place for walking with a beautiful view to Vitosha Mountain and attractions like fountains and a green parks.

TICKET CENTRE: +359 2/916 63 00 and +359 2/916 64 00